Baby Basics

Baby Basics

Caring for your baby and being responsible for their needs at all times of day is different than anything you’ve ever done. While snuggles and cuddling will come naturally, you’ll need to learn about your child’s other needs to help you feel prepared as a parent.

With the right support and education, you’ll be ready to welcome your little one to the world and care for them as they grow.

You will remember the first moments of your baby’s life and your first moments as a parent forever. You can make your first parenting decisions by creating a birth plan that suits you and your child’s needs. A birth plan will help you focus on your baby in the first few moments and begin your lifelong bond. Whether or not to breastfeed is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make as a new parent. Though breastfeeding is a natural process, that doesn’t mean it comes naturally. Many women face challenges and struggles in the beginning of their breastfeeding journey. Learn more about breastfeeding to decide whether it is for you and to learn how you can navigate those first weeks of feeding.
Creating Your Birth Plan
Breastfeeding 101
While you’ll have support from nurses and lactation consultants in the hospital, once you head home you’ll begin caring for your baby on your own, with the support of family and friends. Our Newborn Guide can help you understand how to take care of your baby’s basic needs, from bathing and feeding to soothing and diapering. You’ll also need to make your home safe for your baby, even if they won’t be moving around much for the first few months of their lives. Babies can easily find themselves in dangerous situations, even when they are only rolling and wiggling.
Preparing your home before your child arrives takes work and worry off your plate in those early days of parenting. Being a parent is a big adjustment, but with the right support and education, you’ll be ready to welcome your little one to the world and care for them as they grow.
Newborn Guide
Making Home Safe for Baby
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